Firstly, I have landed my. dream. job. I found a job working with one of this country's most amazing foodie personalities and I am in heaven. It's not working with food, but it's just so incredibly inspirational. And fun.
The only downside is that it's about a 2 hour commute either direction, so I have very little free time. While the cooking continues like a freight train, the last thing I feel like doing at the end of a l-o-o-o-n-g day is plugging into the puta and blogging.
On top of that, about three months ago, I went to my GP for a routine check up. He ran a few tests and it turns out I have type 1 diabetes! While not the worst thing in the world, by any means, for someone like me who lives for food, it's been a steep learning curve. The need to monitor everything I eat has taken some of the joy out of the boundless cooking, but I'm pretty sure that I'm on top of it now. This, of course, means that any sweets I whip up are just for my sweet, so he would say that every cloud has a silver lining...!
Below are some dishes that I'll blog recipes for soon, and many more to come.