Sunday, 20 September 2009

bacon and leek pasta with mushrooms and spinach

You will need:

3 rashers of rindless bacon
1 leek
a handful of baby spinach leaves
1 onion
2 cloves garlic
10 button mushrooms
1/2 cup single cream
1/4 cup white wine
Olive oil
Prepared Pasta
What to do:
Chop onions, leek, garlic and mushrooms. Julienne the bacon. Rinse the spinach.
In a large frying pan, heat your olive oil and then add the onions, leek, garlic and bacon. Fry for several minutes until the bacon is browned. Add the mushrooms and fry for another five minutes or so. Splash in the white wine and season with salt and pepper. Add spinach. Let the white wine reduce by half, then add the cream. Stir well.
Add to prepared pasta and serve immediately, topped with parmesan cheese.